50 years ago, in the first transmission of SNT began to dream and say the first events, the dream was everything. We managed to fly higher with the arrival of man on the moon, but when Paraguay won the Copa America in 79, we touched the sky with our hands. With the visit of John Paul II in 88, we had faith, and 89 with the coup, we encouraged more. With the fall of the Berlin Wall that broke barriers, and the World Cup in France 98 broke illusions. In March, stood up and Paraguay in 2001, with the twin towers could not believe what collapsed. We witness a color change of government. We were when compatriots were kidnapped and when a country came together to celebrate the free again. When we turned to fourth place in the world in 2010, the illusion regained. In our bicentennial it has become bigger. And in this 2015, with Francisco we come to believe. Since 1965, we have Paraguayan television.